so, What's in the "pathway to the podium" Short course?
Pathway to the Podium: Family Edition - Short Course is designed to lead your athlete step by step through a 6 module training program with sections ranging from 1 min to 12 drills for 30-40 minutes per week (just like they train their physical skills - they need to drill, practice and tweak their mindset skills).
They will have a good understanding of what key mindset skills are, how to train them and when and where to use them, especially at their physical training sessions!
By the end of the course your athlete will have an audio imagery recording they can use for a pre-practice mental warm-up.
To compliment the course content there will be a weekly (4) live coaching call (15 -30 min zoom) for opportunity for Q & A and for going a bit deeper on what was presented in the course.
Oh Yeah! This is the Family Edition soooo.....
Bonus 1
Siblings get to join for free!
Once registered if you have more than one athlete make contact and we'll sort getting them signed up. Don't worry if it is different sports and genders... all in the family count.
Bonus 2
Parents Pathway to the Podium Corresponding Training. I get it, you thought this was just for your athlete. I know you are time busy, then again so is your athlete. Get coached in how you can show up in your best version for helping them with their sport goals.
Maximize Your Medal Potential with Pathway to the Podium
Register by Monday Nov 28 at midnight AEST and not only save $100 but also receive the Activate Your Olympian Workshop $97 value, for FREE!
Get yourself and your athlete ready to get on your Pathway to the Podium!